Handshake Business Directory
The handshake directory shows all businesses that are currently registered on handshake.
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businesses start with 'W'
Waimakariri Realty Ltd is licensed under the Real Estate Agents Act 2008 and therefore our agents, branch managers and salespersons are bound by the Real Estate Agents Act.
Waimak Real Estate Ltd MREINZ, Licensed Agent (REAA 2008)
Wayne Timms Motor Court Ltd is privately owned and operated by Wayne and Helen Timms. This business has been in operation for over 30 years.
Being one of the first companies to import a wide and diverse selection of Used Motor Vehicles in New Zealand from Japan , they have a vast knowledge of the Industry.
Over the last few years they have noticed a growing need in the market for Commercial Vehicles as well as People Movers and have moved forward to this area. With over 114 Vehicles in stock we are sure to have a Vehicle that suits your need and if not, we are happy to source it for you.
All our Vehicles are fully complied and have been through the 164 point safety compliance check by the AA. Our Vehicle prices include on road costs. So come on down and see us. We are more than happy to assist you in finding a Vehicle that suits your needs.
Wayne Timms Motor Court Ltd is privately owned and operated by Wayne and Helen Timms. This business
We can help you with every step along the way towards your new motoring needs. We have a wide range of vehicles; 4x4s, Station Wagons (Estates), Cars and People movers, and can help you decide what vehicle will be suitable for your chosen area.
High Quality and Value for Money Cars