Handshake Business Directory

The handshake directory shows all businesses that are currently registered on handshake. To appear in this directory, register for free as a handshake business. For more information about handshake business accounts, please click here.

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1 businesses start with '2'
2 Cheap Cars was established on the basis that car buyers in New Zealand could get a much better deal. By creating an enterprise based around good service, high volumes and low margins, the consumer gets value and affordability and 2 Cheap Cars builds a sustainable business. Over the last five years, that is exactly what has happened. 2 Cheap Cars has continued to grow and expand and now has 14 branches throughout the country. Car buyers are recognising the value of dealing with 2 Cheap Cars with about 10,000 cars being purchased every year. The company is continuing to expand, not just for the sake of growth, but because Kiwis right across the country like the idea of being able to purchase affordable, good quality vehicles. We like to think of ourselves as a New Zealand business success story. We either directly or indirectly provide hundreds of jobs and through the work of those employees we’ve got many thousands of customers. We believe the future is bright.
2 Cheap Cars - NZ's Fastest Growing Car Dealership