Handshake Business Directory
The handshake directory shows all businesses that are currently registered on handshake.
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businesses found for category 'Computers'
MikiPro Ltd was incorporated in 2007 with the aim of providing high quality IT support and products to NZ businesses and residential customers.
MikiPro Ltd specialises in “Ex-Demo” and “Ex-Lease” IT equipment. We source, install and wholesale almost all IT equipment, particularly we focus on servers, server parts and online services such as hosting & VPS services.
We have the largest range of Xeon class second hand servers and server parts in New Zealand, so give MikiPro a call if you’re after parts or wish to deploy a cost effective server solution. Rack mount enterprise IBM xSeries servers are our speciality, which means if you’re after a cluster of servers we’re are your number one choice. We cater to one off customers as well as having great discounts for on-going buyers and resellers.
Leading in ex-demo and ex-lease hardware.