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Advertiser details

  • Company name: Mainland Distribution
  • Contact name: Mark

Publisher Details

The Ashburton Courier IN TRADE


Methven Township

We are looking for a well organised person to manage the distribution of advertising material & local newspapers into household letterboxes.

This is a part-time contract position where you can co-ordinate most of your work from home, allowing the opportunity to continue or apply for work in other fields. The position may include managing a team of deliverers.

This role could suit an at home parent, retiree or someone returning to the workforce.

You will need a suitable vehicle, mobile phone, computer with internet access and be able to provide short-term undercover storage.

For further information please contact Mark

Vacancy details

Company name: Mainland Distribution
Employment location: Canterbury
Type: Contract – part-time
Listing expires on: Friday 17 January 2025

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