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  • Company name: Ashburton Community Alcohol and Drug Service

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The Ashburton Courier IN TRADE

Alcohol & Other Drug Health Promoter

(24 hours per week)

ACADS has a Health Promotion position available for applicants who have a passion for reducing alcohol and drug related harm in our community.

We are looking for a Health Promoter who can work within our community to develop ways to improve people’s health and is someone who can collaborate with other community groups and organisations to identify and co-ordinate alcohol health promotion initiatives.

It would be an advantage to have experience within the health promotion field.

It is important that you have a strong commitment to health and well-being.

You would be able to connect, engage and establish networks in our community.

You will be an excellent communicator, great at planning be able to work with a wide range of people from different cultures and backgrounds and be able to motivate others.

The ideal candidate will possess the following skills:

  • An understanding of different cultural approaches to health
  • Knowledge of the health system
  • Project management skills
  • Evaluation skills
  • Facilitation skills

We would prefer an applicant has a health promotion qualification or a qualification in a related field such as public health, nursing, or education.

Position Description available from

Applications should be addressed to The CEO ACADS and emailed to

Applications close 11th December 2024

Vacancy details

Company name: Ashburton Community Alcohol and Drug Service
Employment location: Canterbury
Type: Permanent – part-time
Listing expires on: Wednesday 11 December 2024

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